Posted by Unknown On 19.04

A. Definition of Biologipedia: 
  • -Etymology: 
Derived from the word "BIOLOGI" which means the natural science and the "PEDIA" which means the source, insight and knowledge. 
  • -Terminology: 
Biologipedia stands for biology education of Indonesia as a discourse of biology science.

B. History of Biologipedia:

Biologipedia since on January 25, 2010 by Fajar Martha(21 Years old), student S1 Pendidikan Biologi at Syarif Hidayatullah islamic state university in Jakarta. Biologipedia started from a simple idea of collecting data in the form of lectures that are not used anymore, then used again for reuse as a means of sharing information and knowledge among members of the biology throughout Indonesia. Starting from the difficulty of finding data on the internet and also his like to the world of biology science and education, he has been created a concept with the help of computer and Internet skills, he tries to create a blog that will be development into a community in anniversary on 2010. The idea offered by the concept:

                                                            "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle"

In the context of lectures for the general use of the database and also supported the small-scale survey on the reasons why biology eduscience still less attractive and underdeveloped in Indonesia, among others: 
  • -A lot of memorization
  • -The lack of facilities and infrastructure in the laboratory. 
  • -Information lag compared with other countries.
  • -Expensive cost for the fieldtrip and research. 
  • -Although many students of biology in Indonesia, but still less competitive in international biology forum or universities in the world. 
  • -Lack of job opportunities in the Indonesian state.

So, he has been trying to make a renewal with the use of media blogging and social networking(Facebook and Twitter) site to facilitate communication and sharing of biology knowledge. So, that teachers, lecturers, students, environmentalists and even scientists are actively engaged to build communication and share biology knowledge are not limited to classroom or in the research field, but also in cyberspace (read: internet). Biologipedia is contains a collection of articles written by the author/admin and BPteam management as well as reference materials from various sources, both from fellow members that will be sent via e-mail, blogs, facebook, twitter, biology forum and other biology website members. That is the cause of this blog is called Biologipedia. Related Biologipedia status, he stated principle that:

Community based opensource is one of my important things getting any experienced!

That's why he prefers Biologipedia as a community. The community usually has a more friendly nature, a lot of jokes but rich in creativity and entrepreneurial self.
C. Aspiration of Biologipedia:
  • Media source reference science biology in Indonesia
  • Establishing communication and share in cyberspace. 
  • Providing reference and information sources. 
  • Development creativity based open source.

D. Draft of Biologipedia:
Marketing and Producing Media Learning

E. Biologipedia Profile:
  • Community Name : Biologipedia Inc.
  • Type: Independent Community Open Source (Private)
  • Founded: Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University
  • Founder: Fajar Martha
  • Headquarters: Indonesia, France, Netherlands, Serbia & USA
  • Area served: Worldwide 
  • Server: Palo Alto, California.USA
  • Revenue: -
  • Website:
  • Domain:
  • Alexa Rank: 3,846,944 (International) and 58,181(Indonesia)
  • Type of site: Biology Online Community/Forum
  • Advertising: Marketing & Producing Media Learning
  • Registration: Required
  • Member: 7.875 people
  • Available Language: Multilingual
  • Launched: January 2010
  • Current Status: Semi Active